Amazon Product Reviews Transformer
This job transforms the Amazon product reviews and metadata dataset, to create category-corpus documents.
To execute this project the you need to have the following installed and configured in your local machine:
- Java 1.8
- Scala 2.11.x
- Sbt 0.13.16
- Apache Spark >= 2.3
$ make all
This will compile the project from scratch, execute unit tests, package it and create the dist
directory in the root folder in which you can find the distribution tar package. You can grab this package and expand it anywhere you want and execute the job using the bundled bash script.
After expanding the build package, enter into the folder and use the
bash script as follows:
$ cd <path where dist package was expanded>
$ ./ --help
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Wrapper script to execute the Apache Spark Job that transforms
tweets from their original json into parquet format and some
Usage: [--options] -h | --help
-h --help Display this help information.
Spark Related Options:
-sh --spark-home Spark home path (Default: environment variable SPARK_HOME)
-m --master Spark master (Default: 'local[*]')
-dm --driver-memory Spark driver memory (Default: 16G)
-em --executor-memory Spark executor memory (Default: 7G)
-dc --driver-cores Spark driver cores (Default: 12)
-ec --executor-cores Spark executor cores (Default: 45)
-ne --num-executors Spark number of executors (Default: 12)
-el --event-log Location to save the spark event logs (Default: /tmp/spark-event)
-jj --job-jar Spark Job Jar path (Default: ./product-doc-transformer.jar)
Job Related Options:
-o --outputs Output directories in k1=v1,k2=v2 format (keys: full-documents-output, review-documents-output, metadata-documents-output, filter-output [Required at least one.]
-md --metadata Product metadata file path [Required.]
-rv --reviews Product reviews file path [Required.]
-a --metadata-cols The columns to select from the metadata.
-b --review-cols The columns to select from the reviews.
-cm --category-map Product category mapping file (Default: ./category_mappings.yml)
-st --steps The pipeline steps to execute (Default: filter, transform-metadata, transform-reviews, aggregate-documents)
-l --limit Maximum number of records to process
-s --seed Random seed for sampling
Execute the pipeline
Depending on your configuration, defined variables and file locations the command below may vary. You can use the help to get further guidance. A general job execution can be invoked like this:
./ \
-o full-documents-output=/path/to/documents/output \
-md /path/to/product/metadata.json \
-rv /path/to/product/reviews.json
- By default spark tries to store the events in
, this directory must exist before submitting the job.
Executing against a cluster
To execute against a cluster, just use the Spark Related options according to your needs.
- Be aware of your cluster resources to request them accordingly.
- Spark logs are enabled by default use them to monitor your job; by default the logs go to
- Ensure your local Spark installation is properly configured to submit jobs against a YARN cluster.
- Remember that when submitting jobs to a cluster, the paths must correspond to HDFS or a distributed filesystem, not your local machine.
- After the job finishes, the Spark UI is shutdown, in order to see the stored events we must start
the spark history server:
$SPARK_HOME/sbin/ <path-to-spark-events>